GlobeCore / Application / Mineral transformer oil tan delta tester TOR-3

Mineral transformer oil tan delta tester TOR-3

Mineral transformer oil tan delta tester TOR-3

The TOR-3 mineral transformer oil tan delta tester from Globecore is made to precisely evaluate the oil’s dielectric characteristics. This characteristic makes it possible to assess the level of contamination, the existence of moisture, and the overall state of the insulating fluid—all of which are critical for transformers to operate dependably. The TOR-3 provides crucial information on oil quality and measurements with great precision. This assists in determining when the fluid needs to be cleaned or replaced, averting potential device failures. The equipment is a vital tool for power companies and laboratories, and it completely conforms with international standards. TOR-3’s small size and practical functioning make it simple to operate. The device features an easy-to-use interface, an automated control system.

Mineral transformer oil tan delta tester TOR-3 Specifications

no Item Value
1 Operating AC voltage, V 100 – 260
2 Power frequency, Hz 48 – 63
3 Power requirement, VA Below 250
4 Applied measuring voltage АС, kV Sinusoidal, 500 – 2000 V actual
5 Tan δ measurement range 0,00001 – 4
6 Tan δ measurement resolution 1х10-6
7 Tan δ measurement accuracy +/- 1% of measurement + 0,00008
8 Measurement range of relative dielectric constant ε 1.0 – 15.0
9 Accuracy of ε measurement +/- 1%
10 Electrical capacitance C measurement range, pF 20 – 1000
11 Accuracy of С measurement, pF +/- 1% + 1
12 Oil temperature measurement range, ᴼС (oF) 20 – 110 (68 – 230)
13 Measuring cell volume, cm³ (in³) 42 (2,6)
14 Electric capacity of an empty cell, pF 65 – 85
15 One measurement duration, minutes, not more than 5
16 AC frequency setting range, Hz 45 – 65
17 Temperature measurement resolution, oС (oF) 0.5 (33)
18 Inbuilt printer None
19 Process temperature, oС (oF) 0 – 50 (32 – 122)
20 Storage temperature, oС (oF) – 20 (- 4) to +60 (+140)
21 Relative humidity, % Up to 90 without condensation
22 Dimensions, mm (in) 400 (16) Х 450 (18) Х 300 (12)*
23 Weight, kg (lbs), not more than 5.3 (12)*

* – with installed and connected cell

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