GlobeCore / Produk / Online Transformer Dry-Out Systems / CMM-260C Online Transformer Dry-Out System

CMM-260C Online Transformer Dry-Out System

GlobeCore / Produk / Online Transformer Dry-Out Systems / CMM-260C Online Transformer Dry-Out System
Water is a dangerous enemy of the transformer, reducing the dielectric strength of transformer oil, accelerating the aging of oil...
    • connection to transformer of any type and age;
    • the process of connection takes less than an hour;
    • the sorbent captures water regardless of its temperature and form;
    • the machine dries the oil without heating and does not require constant operator control;
    • the machine can be installed temporarily or permanently.

Water is a dangerous enemy of the transformer, reducing the dielectric strength of transformer oil, accelerating the aging of oil and solid insulation. It is impossible to entirely prevent water contamination in a transformer, since it forms regardless of service quality and airtightness of the unit. However, it is possible to protect the transformer with the CMM-260C continuous drying device. This machine is connected to the transformer and keeps it dry throughout its service life by passing its oil through a microporous granular sorbent. Water is absorbed and reliably held in its crystals.

If necessary, the adsorbers can be easily dismantled and replaced with new ones, or the sorbent can be reactivated using the BRPS (BRZ) zeolite regeneration unit.