GlobeCore / Webinar inscrição

English Registration - 27.10. 2021 02:00 PM GMT+8 (Hongkong local time)

Russian Registration - 27.10. 2021 11:00 AM GMT+3 (Москва местное время)

The webinar has been rescheduled for November 18, 2021 for technical reasons

Polish registration - 27.10.2021 03:00 PM GMT+2 (czas lokalny Warszawa)

Spanish registration - 27.10.2021 09:00 AM GMT-6 (Costa Rica local time)

Georgian registration - 28.10.2021 11:00 AM GMT+4 (Tbilisi local time)

Portuguese registration - 28.10.2021 10:00 AM GMT+1 (Lisbon local time)

French registration - 28.10.2021 01:00 PM GMT+2 (Paris local time)

English Registration - 28.10.2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)