Unidade de desgaseificação móvel CMM-6/7

The СММ-6/7 is designed for purification of electrical insulating oils, removing water, gas and solid particles, and for transformer evacuation....
    • versatility;
    • no need to use adsorbents for transformer oil drying;
    • no air pollution and no waste streams to dispose of or store;
    • simple operation and servicing;
    • best oil quality even after one processing cycle;
    • low power requirements;
    • low noise levels.



The СММ-6/7 is designed for purification of electrical insulating oils, removing water, gas and solid particles, and for transformer evacuation.

This unit is normally used during installation, operation and servicing of oil-filled high voltage equipment (transformer, high voltage switches etc).

The unit can be operated in the following modes:

  • transformer heating: in this mode the oil is filtered and heated;
  • oil degassing: this mode is for filtration, drying and degassing oil;
  • transformer evacuation.