GlobeCore / Products / Vortex Layer Devices / AVSp-100 Vortex Layer Device (Semi-Automated)

AVSp-100 Vortex Layer Device (Semi-Automated)

GlobeCore / Products / Vortex Layer Devices / AVSp-100 Vortex Layer Device (Semi-Automated)
GlobeCore is the world’s only high-tech company for production of operating vortex layer devices with real applications in the industrial...
    • multiple functions (pulverization, grinding, mixing and activation of processed media);
    • high grinding fidelity;
    • process intensification. The treatment lasts seconds and even less;
    • reduced power consumption;
    • economy of raw materials;
    • simple integration into the existing process lines.

GlobeCore is the world’s only high-tech company for production of operating vortex layer devices with real applications in the industrial sector which deliver the expected results.

The AVSp-100 vortex layer device (semi-automated) is designed for cyclic dispersion of multicomponent systems, as well as mixing of dry flowing materials (with the exception of explosive mixes); it can be used for the purposes of research in pilot plants with a wide range of products and small amounts of dry materials processed, as well as in laboratory conditions.

The AVSp-100 consists of a stand, an enclosure that contains the rotating field induction coil, a reaction chamber with a cooling jacket and a replaceable inset. The top part of the stand has a drive to move the reaction chamber.

On the front wall of the stand, below the reaction chamber, there is a desk for auxiliary operations. In the bottom of the stand, there are the cooling system elements for the induction coil: an oil tank, and oil pump and a heat exchanger. The semi-automated system is controlled from a control panel with the necessary monitoring and signalling devices.



1 Length of chamber’s operating zone, mm


2 Working chamber volume, l


3 Capacity, up to kg/hour* 


4 Nominal voltage, V


5 Frequency, Hz


6 Active power, kW


7 Total power, kWA


8 Dimensions, mm, not more than:
Control section:

– length

– width

– height





Operating section:

– length

– width

– height


9 Weight, kg, not more than:
Control section

Operating section



*Depends on the processed product

  • multiple functions (pulverization, grinding, mixing and activation of processed media);
  • high grinding fidelity;
  • process intensification. The treatment lasts seconds and even less;
  • reduced power consumption;
  • economy of raw materials;
  • simple integration into the existing process lines.

Processing of micropowders for use in various industries, inсluding, but not limited to:

  • aluminum oxide micropowders for use in abrasive and ceramic materials;
  • silicon carbide micropowders for production of semiconductors and superhard abrasive materials;
  • boron nitride micropowders for use in electronics and as lubricants in high-temperature media;
  • zirconium oxide micropowders for use in dentistry and as constituents of high-temperature ceramics;
  • micropowders of titanium and its alloys for use in additive technologies (3D printing), the aviation and medical industries.

Additionally, AVSp-100 can be used for:

  • obtaining (by mixing) of refractory compounds (titanium carbide, molybdenum silicide) with simultaneous grinding to the required granularity;
  • obtaining (by grinding and subsequent mixing) of filled metallopolymers based on fluoroplastic and graphite;
  • dispersion of solid powdery materials (for example, dyes used to obtain multicolored plastics imitating a semi-precious stone — malachite);
  • mixing of various constituents of bulk materials (organic-bond powders, metal-based bond powders, micropowders, ceramic frit constituents, graphite and metal powders during the synthesis of superhard materials, disintegration of diamonds (including the needle-shaped ones), ovalization of diamond grains);
  • mixing of charge stock constituents applied in production of diamond tool bodies;
  • mixing of diamond-bearing molding powders;
  • activation and modification of fillers to be added to pure rubbers;
  • processing of resistive compositions in production of resistors;
  • mixing and grinding of ferrite powders in production of ferrites.
