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Transformer oil treatment

transformer oil treatment

Transformer oil is a liquid insulation and also substance, that transfers heat through system. So it is undoubtedly important to know basic rules and principles of transformer oil treatment. And, first of all, you must know main parameters of oil for transformers.

Types of Transformer oil

There are two commonly widespread types of insulating oils:

  1. Mineral oils (based on naphtha products)
  2. Paraffinic oils

However there are plenty of the other possible transformer oil origins, the mineral ones are the most popular all over the world. A bit lower popularity have paraffinic oils.

Both categories of oils have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although, the naphtha oil is easier oxidized, the paraffinic are more difficult to serve.

Based on this, the choice of transformer oil system should the result of a thorough consideration. Also you should pay attention to the way of transformer oil treatment you need.

Transformer Oil Systems

Obviously the transformer oil system should meet basic requirements and standards. There are main functions and principles of transformer oil work. But of course there can be some special purposes. So you should understand clearly what kind of transformer oil treatment you are going to maintain.

Main Functions of Transformer Oil

1. Insulation

For this purpose you should choose an oil that is capable to keep the solid insulation of transformer in save. It means, that oil must be a strong reliable barrier between the paper and different damaging factors.

The specialists state, that 85% of failures occur because of insulating paper weakening. It happens in case of transformer oil bad conditions.

2.Heat transfer

Oil acts as a cooling liquid. So it’s really important to watch out for oil heat capacity. If the medium inside transformer won’t keep the temperature on required level. It will cause losses and damages.

As for the other kinds of failures oxidation and aging are the most harmful factors. So it’s necessary to provide proper transformer oil treatment.

3.Dielectric strength

It is one of the main points of oil quality indicators. Aging affects the electrical properties of transformer oil. If you don’t provide perform the service on time you may have serious problems with the electrical systems.

Additional transformer oil functions may be usage in different diagnostics and tests.

Ways of Transformer Oil Service

There are two main ways of transformer oil serving:

1.Oil changing

2.Transformer Oil Treatment

Oil treatment can include purification, recycling or restoration and other operations. They can be generally the same but have different purposes.

It seems that there is no difference between mentioned service options. But indeed сlearing or restoration is cheaper and resonable then buying the new one.

Besides, transformer oil service is possible while system is working. Some companies can’t afford power outage. So with modern technologies it is no problem to serve the system in-line.

GlobeCore Transformer Oil Treatment

There are special technologies, that GlobeCore found out for transformer oil service.

Company produces the units, that can сarry out different types of processes.

All the configurations of CMM plants have their common basic functions:

  1. filtration
  2. oil pumping
  3. oil degassing

The other provide the matntenance with special requieasts as hight temperature, high voltage etc.

Some plants are optimal for in-line operations, as CMM-2.2.

CMM-2.2 Mobile Oil Plant

This mobile oil unit is capeble for installations, repairs and other treatments of oil filled high voltage equipment. However it has its following indicated parametres:

  • CMM-2.2 allows volumetric gas content below 10.5%
  • mass moisture content must be below 0.005% (50 g/ton)
  • plant stands temperature above 0 ºС/32 ºF
    • with initial heating of oil in the unit to +60± 5оС/ 140°± 9оF.

CMM-0.6 Oil Degassing & Oil Filtration Cart

CMM-0.6transformer oil treatment CMM 0.6 unit is able to operate with any required voltage.

It consists of of the vacuum column and ceramic oil heater. Also unit uses system of fluid and vacuum pump. Facility has replaceable cartridges and sensors that can control the pressure drop at the filters and the amount of working vacuum.

The heating temperature can also be easily controlled as well.

The two of units have the most unique features and the most effective in described processes.

There are obviously the other configurations of transformer oil equipment. Nevertheless, each item can and should be selected individually. In any case you will have your own special unique purposes. It is always up to you to choose parameters that you need. And of cource any client is always welcome to get help and the best suggestions from GlobeCore company.


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