What is the procedure for BDV testing of transformer oil?


  • September 6, 2024 at 10:09 am by Rachel Wright

    The procedure for BDV testing of transformer oil involves several key steps to assess the breakdown voltage of the oil, which is essential for determining its insulation properties. First, ensure you have a clean and calibrated Globecore BDV tester, which is specifically designed for this purpose. Start by preparing the oil sample, ensuring it’s free from contaminants and air bubbles, as these can affect the results. Next, fill the test cell of the Globecore BDV tester with the transformer oil sample to the specified level, ensuring the electrodes are positioned correctly. Activate the tester, which will apply a steadily increasing voltage to the oil sample. Monitor the breakdown events that occur, and the tester will record the breakdown voltage when the oil fails to insulate against the electrical charge. Finally, analyze the BDV result, which is critical for evaluating the quality and condition of the transformer oil, ensuring it meets industry standards for safe operation. Always document the findings and repeat the test as necessary for accurate results.

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