How do I apply potassium humate liquid to my plants?


  • September 13, 2024 at 2:10 pm by David Allen

    To apply liquid potassium humate to your plants, follow these steps:
    Foliar Application: Dilute the liquid potassium humate according to the manufacturer’s instructions (usually 1-3 ml per liter of water). Spray it directly onto the leaves during the early morning or late afternoon when temperatures are cooler to maximize absorption.
    Soil Drenching: Mix the recommended amount with water and apply it directly to the soil around the plant’s roots. This method helps improve soil health and promotes root growth.
    Fertigation: Add the liquid potassium humate to your irrigation system. This allows for even distribution across your plants, enhancing nutrient uptake and soil conditioning.
    Seed Treatment: You can soak seeds in a diluted solution before planting to enhance germination and early root development.

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