GlobeCore / News / GlobeCore webinars were held on the topic "Continuous Drying of Energized Transformer Insulation"

GlobeCore webinars were held on the topic “Continuous Drying of Energized Transformer Insulation”

On May 11-12, GlobeCore webinars were held on the topic “Continuous Drying of Energized Transformer Insulation” in different languages: English, Russian, Turkish, Polish, Portuguese and French. 

There were about 300 participants in total.

Moisture and water are tremendous, unfavorable and even dangerous factors affecting the deterioration of power equipment operation.

That is why we decided that it would be important and useful to share research and some interesting facts about the developments of our respected and highly qualified specialists.

Dear participants of our small online lessons lasting 1 hour, they learned about the need to:

  1. Moisture Percentage Measurements in Transformer Oil and Insulating Paper
  2. Regular maintenance of power equipment
  3. Timely removal of excess water if the norm is exceeded
  4. Careful approach to the compounds used

If you do not pay attention to the points above, there will be a risk for efficiency and safety of your industrial facilities that use power supply. The researchers claim that keeping paper insulation dried can extend service life of a transformer up to 30 years meanwhile it can last only 6 years if you do not provide it. Our speakers  have explained which indicators may worsen (electrical resistance, thermal resistance, mechanical tensile strength etc.) and have told what to do to avoid it.

First of all, it is necessary to properly test your transformer for moisture content. There are a number of standards that oil-filled power system service technicians rely on as well as there are many different technologies and forms of components in analysis plants.

Then the special maintenance procedures must be carried out.

Of course the choice of the right solid insulation type as well as the oil in a good condition plays a significant role too. However you can not 100% avoid the harmful factors that are out of anyone’s control.

Our company produces machines which can be useful for all the range of requests and also deal with transformer maintenance. One of the options is SSD (CMM-260C) unit principles of which were described at our webinars.

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