How does a potassium humate powder factory produce the product?


  • September 13, 2024 at 2:24 pm by Ana Garcia

    A potassium humate powder factory produces the product through the following process:
    Raw Material Sourcing: The factory starts with high-grade leonardite or lignite, rich in humic substances.
    Extraction: The raw material is treated with potassium hydroxide (KOH), which dissolves the humic and fulvic acids present in the source material.
    Filtration: The resulting solution is filtered to remove any impurities or undissolved solids.
    Concentration: The humic acid solution is concentrated to increase the humic and potassium content.
    Drying: The concentrated solution is dried using spray dryers or similar methods to produce fine potassium humate powder.
    Quality Control: The product is tested for purity, solubility, and humic content before packaging.
    Packaging: The final potassium humate powder is packed into bags for distribution, ready for use in agriculture.

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