How to prepare a potassium humate foliar spray?


  • September 13, 2024 at 4:43 pm by Amanda Moore

    To prepare a potassium humate foliar spray, begin by dissolving the recommended amount of potassium humate in water. Typically, mix 1 to 3 grams of potassium humate powder or flakes per liter of water, but always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for exact dosages. Stir the solution thoroughly until the potassium humate is fully dissolved, ensuring a uniform mixture. For better solubility, use warm water, but avoid hot temperatures that may degrade the humic substances. Once prepared, transfer the solution to a sprayer with a fine nozzle to achieve even coverage. Apply the foliar spray during the early morning or late afternoon when temperatures are cooler to maximize absorption and minimize evaporation. Spray the solution evenly onto the leaves, covering both the upper and lower surfaces. Avoid spraying during peak sunlight hours to prevent leaf burn. It’s advisable to perform a small test application on a few plants to ensure compatibility and observe any reactions before treating larger areas.

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