GlobeCore / Bitumen Emulsion / Roofing And Waterproofing Bitumen Emulsions

Roofing And Waterproofing Bitumen Emulsions

Creating durable, cost-effective, environmentally friendly roofing and waterproofing materials is one of the most urgent tasks of civil and road construction.  In the past years, a variety of methods were used to try to solve this task, until the application of bitumen emulsions came to the fore.  Their popularity in roofing, waterproofing and road works was caused by a number of advantages over the technologies that had been used previously. In particular, we are talking about the following:

  • The possibility of applying to wet surfaces, which extends the calendar period of construction works;
  • No need for heating.  This saves energy and labor resources;
  • Fire safety;
  • Saving bitumen due to low viscosity of the material, good wetting ability of surfaces and enveloping of a mineral additive;
  • Environmental safety.

Nevertheless, the use of bitumen emulsions in roofing and waterproofing work implementation has not yet acquired a mass character.  This is caused by a relatively small range of products, but the problem has a solution. GlobeCore produces USB-2 plants, designed to produce bitumen emulsions for roofing and waterproofing applications.  The equipment is available with different capacity (starting from 1 m3/hour), so both large asphalt plant operators, as well as small repair contractors will be able to choose a suitable plant for their needs.  The produced emulsion is fully consistent with all international standards for roofing and waterproofing materials.

GlobeCore suggests using its laboratory USB-2L plant for the development of innovative formulations of bitumen emulsions intended for roofing and waterproofing.  It allows obtaining experimental samples bitumen emulsions for further study of their performance.  Such equipment is indispensable in the case when it is necessary to obtain bitumen emulsion in accordance with local requirements.  The developed formulations are used in the future without any problems for industrial production of bitumen emulsions using GlobeCore USB-2.

Depending on the conditions of the future use, the equipment can be manufactured in different versions:

  • Frame
  • Container
  • Container with sandwich panels.

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