GlobeCore / Bitumen Modification / Webinar “Production of Modified Bitumen: the Modern Approach”

Webinar “Production of Modified Bitumen: the Modern Approach”


Dear associates! You are invited to participate in another free GlobeCore webinar themed as “Production of Modified Bitumen: the Modern Approach” which will take place on July 21–22, 2021.

At this webinar, we will discuss the following matters:

  • advantages and special features of using modified bitumen;
  • technical specifications and quality of road bitumen;
  • technology and equipment for modified bitumen production.

Webinar dates

Date: July 21, Wednesday

  • Russian — 11:00 AM GMT +3 (for Moscow);
  • Turkish — 02:00 PM GMT +3 (Istanbul Saati);
  • English (North America) — 11:00 AM in Eastern time (US and Canada) GMT – 4 (New York local time).

Date: July 22, Thursday

  • English — 02:00 PM GMT +8 (Hong Kong local time);
  • Spanish — 08:00 AM GMT- 6 (Hora de Costa Rica);
  • Portuguese — 02:00 PM GMT +1 (Hora de Luanda);
  • French — 01:00 PM GMT +2 (Heure de Paris).

Platform: Zoom (one-click registration)

Duration: 60 minutes

Registration Link:

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