reduction of sorbent reactivation environmental effects;
compact size.
The BDL-3 catalytic converter is designed to neutralize harmful emissions from reactivation of adsorbent saturated with the products of mineral oil treatment.
The exhaust from the burning in the columns during sorbent reactivation contains many chemicals. Some of them are harmless, while some, like carbon monoxide (СО), hydrocarbons (СН) and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) are hazardous. The amount of such chemicals in emissions is reduced by the catalytic converter.
BDK-3 catalytic converter components
The converter is built on a frame, which supports:
a control cabinet;
a cyclone compressor;
an air heater;
a collector;
a catalyst section;
All elements are connected by pipelines.
Principle of operation
The compressor pumps oil through the heater, where the air is heated to 400-450 ºС and then supplied to the collector. In the collector, the exhaust gases are mixed with the hot air, from the collector, the gases are pumped into the catalyst. The exhaust gases are supplied to a container with neutralizing metal elements, which neutralize some of the chemicals.