UVV Vacuum Cold Trap

- the vacuum section is equipped with vacuum pump heating and cooling devices for operation in a wide range of temperatures completely unaided;
- equipped with vane vacuum pumps, which require no separate heating or cooling and are less noisy;
- all component are installed inside a single frame.
Oil refrigeration cold trap system is designed for evacuation and drying of solid insulation1 of power transformers2 with voltages 110-1150 kV during installation, service and repairs.
The vacuum3 cold trap can be used with transformers capable of withstanding 26 Pa pressure. Application of the unit for transformers which cannot withstand 26 Pa pressure is possible after reinforcement of the tank authorized by the transformer manufacturer.
While drying solid insulation of power transformers with voltages from 500 to 1150 kV, the evacuation from atmospheric pressure to 400 Pa may be accelerated by connecting a vacuum blower section to the unit.
Oil refrigeration system can dehydrate4 solid insulation by circulating hot dry oil. First, the oil is heated to 80-85 ⁰C, and then it passes through a drying and filtration unit. The essence of this method is the diffusion5 of moisture from the outer layers of insulation into the dry oil with the following removal of the moisture by the drying unit.