GlobeCore / Oil Degassing / GlobeCore engineer visit Dominican Republic supplies a new mobile system

GlobeCore engineer visit Dominican Republic supplies a new mobile system

GlobeCore engineer visit Dominican Republi.

GlobeCore supplies a new mobile system into the Central America, specifically to the Dominican Republic.

In September 2013 GlobeCore delivers the new plant. It is a relatively inexpensive and versatile system for energy sector service companies such as INPROCA. The plant is not entirely typical. The unit allows not only thermal and vacuum treatment of dielectric oil, but also high vacuum transformer evacuation.

Our talks with INPROCA lead to the creation the equipment which combines CMM-2.2 with vacuum package BV-500. The system is completely new and allows quick and easy transportation to the outdoor transformers in need of maintenance.

supplies a new mobile system

GlobeCore’s engineers and managers often visit clients; we organize seminars to share our experience in oil purification. This deal is not exception. One of GlobeCore engineers travelled to Dominican Republic to provide startup and operators training.

INPROCA’s engineers have the high competence and also that type of transformer service equipment is quite simple in setup and operation. That why testing and starting together with INPROCA’s engineers were satisfactory. According to Hector Herrera, INPROCA’s Technical Services Chief Engineer, Aleksander’s assistance was made in high level.

Thanks to INPROCA for a great experience and the positive impressions.

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