GlobeCore / Oil Degassing / Another GlobeCore Seminar Held in Dubai

Another GlobeCore Seminar Held in Dubai

The latest seminar on electrical insulation oil treatment and transformer maintenance seminar initiated by GlobeCore was held on 17 June in Dubai (UAE).

The seminar gathered approximately 60 representatives of various transformer commissioning and maintenance companies from the Gulf countries.

GlobeCore service engineer Frank May presented to the participants the newest technologies and equipment designed for transformer reliability improvement and lifetime extension, e.g. oil purification and regeneration equipment, as well as insulation drying machines. Beside Frank May, representatives from Vaisala and Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen also made their presentations. These focused on the importance of transformer oil and transformer component diagnostic equipment selection (e.g. dissolved gas analysis).

All of the presentations inspired much interest and involved discussions, once again emphasizing the importance of these issues for the energy industry of the Gulf countries. The practical part of the seminar traditionally included a demonstration of regeneration technology capabilities, processing submitted transformer oil samples with a laboratory scale version of the CMM oil regeneration system.

Due to the interest in GlobeCore equipment and rapid electric power industry development, the seminars are likely to be held regularly on annual basis.

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