GlobeCore / Oil regeneration / GlobeCore Equipment Launch in Greece

GlobeCore Equipment Launch in Greece

GlobeCore equipment was launched in Athens (Greece) from 3rd to 9th October 2020.

There were introduced two facilities:

CMM-10 unit for filtration, drying and degassing of electrical insulating oil, and also for transformer vacuuming.

СММ-12R plant for used electrical insulating oils regeneration by way of their reuse in transformers, high voltage circuit breaker and other electrical devices. In compliance with all quarantine measures, operators were trained to work with the new equipment. As part of the CMM-12R capabilities demonstration, there was carried out the regeneration of electrical insulating oil, drained from the aged 40-year-old transformer. The unit performed oil regeneration in automatic mode without an operator presence and fully restored oil to  a new-like state.

There also was tested the remote monitoring function, that is available in CMM-12R installation. The operator remotely controlled the process of sorbent reactivation (properties restoration). After reactivation, the sorbent can be reused for oil purification, that is one of the advantages of the CMM-12R machine. In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a small photo report on the results of this launch.

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