GlobeCore / Vortex layer device / Obtaining of lithium stearate water suspension by means of a vortex layer device

Obtaining of lithium stearate water suspension by means of a vortex layer device

obtaining of water suspension

Lithium stearate is a lithium salt of fatty stearic acid, or soap as it is conventionally referred. It is derived from animal and vegetable raw materials. This soap is a white soft substance. In production, it is used as part of a water suspension. Soap is used as a thickener in a number of industries. Obtaining of lithium stearate water suspension is based on fine grinding of the product and intensive mixing thereof with water to a stable homogeneous state.

Application of lithium stearate

Lithium stearate is a water-insoluble substance. Therefore, in order to obtain a water suspension, it must be ground to fine particles and thoroughly mixed with liquid. The quality of such suspension depends on the grinding degree of lithium stearate particles and the homogeneity of mixing with water. The obtained suspension is also called lithium soap and used in the following fields:

  • Production of lithium lubricants

Due to its resistance to high and low temperatures, a lithium stearate water suspension is used in the manufacture of products for motor vehicle industry, mechanical engineering, and aviation. Suitable for preparation of synthetic and natural oils.

  • Plastics production

In the plastics industry, lithium stearate serves as a stabilizing agent that ensures the required features of materials.

  • Manufacture of cosmetic products and preparations

It is also used as a stabilizing additive in the manufacture of cosmetic products, including blushers, eyeshadows, etc.

Wide application and active use in production of oils is associated with the safety, water resistance, oxidation resistance, and high dropping point of lithium stearate. It also delays corrosive processes in crude oil refining.

Obtaining of lithium stearate water suspension — conventional technologies

Mechanical mixers of drum, vibrating, bubbling, or paddle types are often used in classic production of suspensions. When using most models of this equipment, plenty of time and energy is spent on the technological process, because the equipment is distinguished by high energy consumption. Therefore, the main disadvantage of these methods for preparing the water suspensions is high energy consumption and processing duration.

Moreover, classic mixers typically carry out mixing only and ensure minimum or no additional dispersion. In general, the following problems can be highlighted here:

  • duration of homogenization processes;
  • not the best indicator of suspension homogeneity;
  • low sedimentation stability of mixture;
  • high energy input.

For example, paddle mixers are characterized by low mixing intensity. As a result, we obtain a poorly stable product prone to stratification. It is not the best choice for fine dispersion and mixing of suspensions.

GlobeCore vortex layer device (AVS) will help in solving the problems of conventional methods for obtaining of lithium stearate water suspension.

Technology for obtaining of lithium stearate water suspension by means of a vortex layer device

A vortex layer device is a compact disperser and mixer operating on the basis of an electromagnetic field. It is equipped with a non-magnetic operating chamber inside of which ferromagnetic particles are placed. The chamber is located in an inductor that creates a strong electromagnetic field inside it.

Under the influence of the latter, a vortex layer is generated — lithium stearate is intensively mixed with water, while ferromagnetic needles act as diminutive mixers and mills. They intensively move through the chamber, collide with its walls, with one another, and with particles of processed material. At the same time, dispersion and homogenization processes are observed with high local pressures, electrolysis, acoustic vibrations, and electromagnetic processing involved.

Obtaining of lithium stearate water suspension under such conditions is characterized by a high degree of homogenization with additional grinding of lithium stearate particles due to which a stable, homogeneous mixture of high quality is obtained. The suspension is characterized by good sedimentation stability, does not stratify, does not settle, and contains no coarse particles. All of this makes it more effective when it is further used in the manufacture of oils, plastics, cosmetics, and other products.

Advantages of obtaining of water suspension by means of a vortex layer device

GlobeCore vortex layer device is represented by AVS-100 and AVS-150 models. They are identical by principle of operation, but different in capacity. The units are suitable for both large enterprises and small workshops. They differ in the following features:

  • High efficiency

Ensure better mixing of suspensions compared to conventional mixing devices. They are distinguished by their ability to actively intensify mixing processes; thus, the operations are carried out quickly. At the same time, homogenization and dispersion are observed.

  •       Ease of use

The device can be easily integrated into the existing production line. It requires no pedestal or additional structures for installation. The unit is just above one and a half meters high and a little more than a meter wide and long — there will always be some space for it at an enterprise of any scale.

  •       Cost-effectiveness

The power requirement of AVS-100 and AVS-150 units are 4.5 kW and 9.5 kW respectively. Furthermore, mixing occurs faster than in classic units.

A vortex layer device is efficient equipment for obtaining of water suspensions. For ordering AVS-100 or AVS-150 models or getting advice, please contact GlobeCore sales representatives.

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