GlobeCore / Oil Degassing / GlobeCore and US Power Industry

GlobeCore and US Power Industry

GlobeCore strives to participate in all possible projects to replace traditional energy sources with alternatives.

Some of the services GlobeCore offers our clients is the sales of equipment to process electrical insulation oil and servicing power transformers, as well as rentals of this equipment.

It was the latter option that was chosen by one of American electric power companies to service the transformers of their wind farms in Virginia.

GlobeCore was contracted to rent two CMM-4/7 units. The product is designed to degas, dehydrate, filter and heat the oil for 1150 kV transformers.

The CMM-4/7 can also be used to heat oil-filled electrical equipment with hot transformer oil, vacuum-dry transformers and pull vacuum on external equipment

GlobeCore products extend the lifetime of wind farm transformers and improve reliability of alternative power generation.

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