GlobeCore / Oil Filtration / GlobeCore Equipment Presented in Thailand

GlobeCore Equipment Presented in Thailand


On 19-23 March 2018, GlobeCore held presentations of the company’s products in Bangkok, Thailand.

The events were based in the local companies dealing with oil filled equipment, and included two parts, theoretical and practical. The former focused on petrochemical purification and regeneration equipment, such as equipment to remove particulate matter, water and gas and regeneration equipment, which can remove aging products and completely restore the properties of oils in addition to purification.

Frank May of GlobeCore made detailed and comprehensive presentations, addressing the main points of regeneration equipment operation and answering the questions from the audience.

The practical part depended on the specifics of the Thailand companies’ operation and involved a demonstration of GlobeCore equipment (laboratory scale unit) with used transformer oil and oxidized diesel fuel samples provided by the participants. The results of the regeneration can be seen in the photos.

GlobeCore is grateful to our Thai partners for their warm welcome and hopes for fruitful cooperation in the future.

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