GlobeCore / Vortex layer device / GlobeCore in the Press: Wastewater Treatment Using the Vortex Layer (Water & Wastewater Asia Magazine)

GlobeCore in the Press: Wastewater Treatment Using the Vortex Layer (Water & Wastewater Asia Magazine)

The next issue of Water & Wastewater Asia magazine, published with the support of the Singapore Water Association, out in June.

The magazine publishes the first part of an article titled Using the Vortex Layer of Ferromagnetic Particles in Wastewater Treatment article by GlobeCore’s service manager Frank May.

The first part of the article deals with the principle of the electromagnetic vortex layer device. The piece includes the results of testing the technology in treatment of wastewater by reduction of hexavalent chrome, sedimentation of heavy metals, neutralization of acidic and basic wastewater and oxidation reactions. These results confirm the ability of the vortex layer machines to improve the efficiency of the existing wastewater treatment facilities.

See the first part of the article in the original. The second part is to be published in the next issue of Water & Wastewater Asia, expected to be out in September this year.

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