GlobeCore / Oil Filtration / GlobeCore invites to the seminar in Houston

GlobeCore invites to the seminar in Houston

Dave seminar

GlobeCore with GC Technologies is planning a seminar for old and new customers.

Date: June 14, 2018.

Location: 1110 Paige St, Houston, Texas 77003

Seminar program:

  1. Discussion of the effect of the oil aging processes on the efficiency of power transformers;
  2. Report on “Transformer oils purification and regeneration units from GlobeCore”;
  3. Demonstration of the purification and regeneration units operating principles and answers to all the questions.

Applications for participation in the seminar are accepted at:

+1 713-699-3388,
+1 713-202-7983 (cell)
[email protected]

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