GlobeCore / Air Drying / Mojave Heat Hot Air Drying Unit Commissioned in Oman

Mojave Heat Hot Air Drying Unit Commissioned in Oman

On 17 Decembe 2015, GlobeCore engineers successfully commissioned an automated Mojave Heat Hot Air Drying unit in Oman.

The Mojave Heat is designed to dehydrate atmospheric air and reduce its dew point to between -50ºC and -70ºС and to remove particulate matter from that air. The Mojave Heat can be used during installation and repairs of electric power transformers. The Mojave Heat is especially useful:

  • when the transformer tank is opened;
  • when draining oil from transformers; and
  • to dry smaller transformers with voltage up to 110 kV with hot dry air.

Besides the features liste above, the unit can be used to restore sorbents in third party equipment by heating them to temperatures up to between 400ºС and 430ºС. The unit can also be used in agriculture to dry seeds, hay, grain, and other farm procucts.

The automated version of the Mojave Heat is controlled from a touch panel.  The operator can select the required operation modes using the panel.  Air flow is then adjusted by frequecy variators (one per each blower).  The temperature is managed by PID-control.

Automated Mojave Heat units reduce power consumption and labor costs as well as ensure air tightness of electrical equipment during corrective and preventive maintenance.

Hot Air Drying or power transformer windings

dielectric oil dryer

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