GlobeCore / Oil Degassing / New service center in Houston is open

New service center in Houston is open

GlobeCore  announced the opening of a new service center in US.

The address of the new location is 1750-H Dickinson Ave (FM 1266) Dickinson, TX, 77539.

T: + 1-713-429-1616 and + 1-713-828-7877.

Our other offices and service centers are available in the section “Contacts”.

service center

GlobeCore is one of the world leaders in industrial manufacturing. Products of GlobeCore are used in production of bitumen emulsions, transformer oil regeneration and purification, fuel blending, biodiesel production and emulsification of virtually any materials.

The head office is located in Oldenburg, Germany. Our systems have been supplied to and are successfully operated in 70 countries. A network of 17 dealers supports global sales and services.

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