GlobeCore / Oil regeneration / An international electric energy conference held in Kazakhstan

An international electric energy conference held in Kazakhstan

In the beginning of April this year, in Shymkent, Kazakhstan, an annual international electric energy conference was held.

Such events allow to demonstrate and discuss with specialists own developments in the field, as well as evaluate perspective developments by other companies. This conference could not be left unattended by GlobeCore.The company manager’s report focused on CMM type transformer oil purification and regeneration units and elicited interest from other participants.

Representatives of several local companies in the field of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity invited our speaker to discuss special points of using oil purification units on their locations.The visit lasted for several more days, when GlobeCore’s engineer spoke with colleagues from Kazakhstan. The conclusion was unanimous: GlobeCore’s products for transformer oil reclamation and regeneration can and will be used by local facilities. international electric energy.

GlobeCoreinternational electric energy

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