GlobeCore / Oil regeneration / Training program held in Germany, operating GlobeCore diesel fuel purification equipment

Training program held in Germany, operating GlobeCore diesel fuel purification equipment

diesel fuel purification

June 30 and July 1: US delegates participated in a training course in cleaning diesel fuel, which took place in Oldenburg, Germany.

International Training Centre in Germany prepares specialists and operators of oil purification equipment.

The design department of GlobeCore has developed a unique technology implemented in the CMM (UVR) system. It cleans and clarifies almost all petroleum products with the use of a special sorbent. After the treatment, the oil is resistant to oxidation and does not darken. In particular, the CMM units are used for restoration of transformer, turbine, industrial, heating oils, diesel fuel and gas condensate, etc.

At the end of the two-day training, the US delegation received the necessary knowledge and practical skills to operate GlobeCore equipment, which can be successfully used in purification and clarification of oil.

If you would like to apply for participation in this training program, please contact our managers using the “Contact” tab and fill out the application form.

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