USB-1L Biodiesel laboratory equipment
- compactness;
- easy to transport;
- allows you to check biodiesel for compliance with the requirements of the standard when changing the initial components.
GlobeCore’s laboratory small scale unit is a standalone unit for laboratory research and creation of new biodiesel recipe. USB-1L unit is intended for methyl ether production from any vegetable oils or animal fats by means of transesterification.
The unit can be used by the oil refinery plants, biodiesel production plants, and food industry enterprises.
Operation Mode
Operation mode is the preparation of the components and creation of required conditions for reaction of transesterification. Vessels are filled with oil and methanol with catalytic agent. All required parameters of oil’s temperature and oil’s pump heating are set. Oil pumps and methanol pumps are started to stabilize temperature and gas discharge from the vessels after reaching required temperature. The flows of oil and methanol with the help of electrovalve are going to the mixer and then are passed to the final product vessel. In this vessel takes place the final product fractionation. Finally, you need to drain biodiesel fraction and hydroglyceric fraction by using different valves.