GlobeCore / Oil regeneration / GlobeCore has organized and conducted a seminar in the USA

GlobeCore has organized and conducted a seminar in the USA

March 2-3, 2018 in Houston, GlobeCore held a seminar for representatives of the Texas electric power industry.

During the seminar were discussed the issues of aging processes in electrical insulating oils influencing the efficiency of power transformers, including a report on the topic “Purification and regeneration of transformer oils with GlobeCore equipment”.

The practical part consisted of a demonstration of the CMM-0,6 unit and the laboratory UVR unit operation. The latter processed the control samples of used oil, restoring it to be clean and transparent. The results of the experiment impressed all participants of the seminar.

GlobeCore engineers Dave Wilson and Frank May are ready for the guests of the next seminar, which will be held on June 14 at 1110 Paige, Houston, Texas 77003, USA. Requests for attending can be sent by e-mail or by phone +1 713-202-7983.


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