CLM-40.2 Colloid Mill

Colloid mill1A colloid mill is a machine that is used to reduce the particle size of a solid in suspension...
    • Delamination  resistance of mixture;
    • Adjusted rotor-stator gap  without need of disassembling.

Colloid mill1A colloid mill is a machine that is used to reduce the particle size of a solid in suspension in a liquid, or to reduce the droplet size in emulsions. CLM-40.2 is designed for grinding of granules or particles of SBS polymer2Poly (styrene-butadiene-styrene) or SBS, is a hard rubber that’s used to modify asphalt, to make soles of shoes, tire treads, and other places where durability is important. for production of modified bitumen3Modification of bitumen is the incorporation of special additives in bitumen by mechanical mixing or chemical reaction..

The unit may be supplied either as a part of a plant or separately for retrofitting into existing equipment.

The unit is designed for operation either indoors or outdoors under canopy.

The design of the unit allows operation in temperatures from +50С to +400С.

Bituminous grouts — field of application

  1. Bituminous grouts are classified both by fields of application and by methods of use (cold and hot coating).
  2. Some grouts require preliminary surface preparation with primers. A primer is a bituminous priming material containing a bitumen and a solvent and having a high penetrability and a short drying time.
  3. Types of grouts and their uses:

а) Coating grout (cold application):

  • waterproofing of surfaces;
  • treatment of joints and cracks;
  • puttying of surfaces;
  • attaching of rolled bitumen materials;
  • anticorrosive protection of metal structures.
  1. b) Coating grout (cold application). It can be used at sub-zero ambient temperatures. It is used for repair and forms an ultrastrong waterproof coating on the steel, concrete, and wood structures sunk deeper into the ground.

с) Bituminous-rubber grout (cold application) is used for waterproofing of foundations, walls, tanks, pipelines, etc.

  1. d) Adhesive grout (cold application). Designed for attaching the extruded polystyrene to bituminous, bituminous-polymer insulating materials in foundation insulation systems.

Modified bitumen — Fields of application

  1. Road construction:
  • production of asphalt concrete which is used for new construction and repair of first-class roads, bridges, overpasses, road junctions, etc.;
  • production of stone matrix asphalt concrete (SMA) for pavement topping of first-class highways and roads;
  • production of porous asphalt concrete;
  • plaсing of crack-stopping membrane interlayers.
  1. Hydraulic engineering facilities:
  • production of PMB-based grouts for coating of water storage facilities, swimming pools, water supply pipe linings.
  1. Roofing:
  • production of PMB-based rolled roofing materials (Ruberoid, Euroruberoid).
  1. Bitumen shingles:
  • production of grouts for laying and repair of roofing surfaces.