How does a transformer oil BDV test kit work?


  • September 6, 2024 at 1:03 pm by 伊藤 聡太郎

    A transformer oil BDV (Breakdown Voltage) test kit is designed to evaluate the electrical insulation properties of transformer oil. It operates by placing a sample of the oil in a testing cell that contains two electrodes. The kit applies a controlled voltage between these electrodes and gradually increases it until the oil breaks down, leading to electrical discharge. The maximum voltage at which the oil remains insulating is recorded as the BDV, indicating the oil’s ability to withstand electrical stress. A higher BDV value signifies better insulating properties, which is crucial for ensuring the reliability and safety of transformers. Globecore offers advanced transformer oil BDV test kits that adhere to industry standards and provide accurate and reliable measurements for maintenance and diagnostics of industrial oils.

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