GlobeCore / Products / Oil Regeneration / CMM-12R Oil Regeneration Systems

CMM-12R Oil Regeneration Systems

GlobeCore / Products / Oil Regeneration / CMM-12R Oil Regeneration Systems
GlobeCore’s oil regeneration process restores used oils to a condition close to new oil. This process makes it possible to...

    **GlobeCore** manufactures oil regeneration systems for both transformer manufacturers and transformer service providers.

    **GlobeCore** units are loaded with a sorbent that captures all oil decomposition products.

    **GlobeCore** regeneration systems can use the same sorbent for up to 3 years before the first replacement. No more need for consumables and costly labor related to the replacement of exhausted sorbent at the job site.

    Regeneration systems can be combined with degassing units or purchased as stand-alone systems.

    **GlobeCore** regeneration systems can be used in combination with your existing degassing or drying unit.

    Each **GlobeCore** unit can be customized and includes a number of options:

    • Extra vacuum pump assembly for transformer vacuuming;
    • Mounted on a trailer or semi-trailer;
    • Moisture meters at the inlet and/or outlet of the oil stream;
    • Remote control and process monitoring via smartphone or PC;
    • Climate-controlled operator workroom.

GlobeCore’s oil regeneration process restores used oils to a condition close to new oil. This process makes it possible to fill transformers with oil that would otherwise have been disposed of. The oil can be used in the transformer without replacement throughout its entire service life.

GlobeCore’s CMM-R systems are designed to extend the transformer’s lifespan by restoring the dielectric strength and chemical composition of dielectric insulating oil.

In the oil regeneration process, oil degradation products and acidic compounds are removed, the oil becomes clear, oxidation resistance improves, while its gas solubility is reduced.